Thursday 19 September 2013

How to respond when you are called an Militant Atheist.

Let's look at the militant handle shall we?

Militant Catholic - for this read most serial killers most notably Jeffrey Dahmer and Eric Rudolph who killed a great many people. A disturbingly high number of serial killers quote from the bible when expressing their motivation. Roman Catholicism was also the official religion of the Nazi Party despite the number of theist who (wrongly) claim Hitler was an Atheist.

Militant Muslim - Osama Bin Laden and his air crew. Not insane by any means, just viciously entitled by the power of 'God' to take the lives of a huge amount of innocent people.

Militant Atheist - Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens. Have civilised debates with theists and write books. The evil bastards.

Which of the above do we think are the least problematic to a civilised society?


1 comment:

  1. For those who really want war, there are militant pacivists. :-)
